Case Study: Leveraging Scale Insights Rules on an all SKAG PPC Campaign Strategy to Boost Sales


Introduction: In today's blog post, we will delve into a recent test conducted in one of our Amazon PPC accounts, focusing on a PPC strategy that is not commonly seen among many Amazon seller accounts. The Single Keyword Ad Group (SKAG) Only Strategy has yielded promising results, and we believe you will find value in exploring its potential. So, let's dive into the details and uncover the benefits of this approach.

Analyzing Search Query Performance: To begin the test, we collected a substantial amount of Amazon search query performance data from Amazon. Our aim was to identify keywords that performed above the average conversion rate for the niche. We disregarded any keywords with a low conversion rate, as relevance is crucial when determining the potential success of a product.

Implementing Amazon PPC SKAG Campaigns: Once we had the relevant data, we set up single keyword ad group campaigns, focusing on exact match targeting across the board. This approach allowed us to create numerous campaigns, each targeting a specific keyword. To manage scalability, we incorporated bidding rules for insights and a daily budget rule. This combination enabled us to capitalize on days with high conversion rates by increasing the budget. Conversely, we maintained a stable budget on lower conversion rate days.

Positive Impact on Campaign Performance: Throughout the test period, we closely monitored the impact of these strategies on the account's performance. We observed significant improvements, especially after the initial 30-day period. The implementation of scale insights tool bidding and budget rules had a positive effect on the cost per click (CPC), leading to a gradual decrease over time. Moreover, we managed to streamline the account by reducing the number of SKAG campaigns from 400 to 90, eliminating approximately 75% of the campaigns while achieving favorable results.

Examining Results: During the roughly 30-day period, some campaigns generated as few as 20 sales, while others performed exceptionally well. Admittedly, a few campaigns had a high average cost, often associated with broad or seasonal keywords. However, the majority of campaigns showcased lower average costs, indicating their relevance to the product. To gain further insights into your own campaigns, we highly recommend exploring the Amazon Search Query Performance (SQP) data. This data can help identify your keyword market share, reveal any missed opportunities, and uncover potential revenue streams for your brand.

Partnering with a Hands-On Amazon PPC Agency: If you require assistance with your PPC campaigns, we are a hands-on Amazon PPC agency dedicated to both automation and manual optimization. We understand the importance of tailoring strategies to meet individual client needs. This blog post is an example of a client request that we wanted to share, highlighting the results we achieved. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information and actionable insights that you can apply to your own campaigns.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the SKAG Only Strategy has demonstrated its effectiveness in optimizing Amazon PPC campaigns. By focusing on single keywords and implementing intelligent bidding and budget rules, we witnessed notable improvements in campaign performance. While some keywords may have higher costs, it is essential to leverage SQP data to identify lucrative opportunities and maximize your brand's potential. If you're interested in trying out this strategy or need assistance with your PPC campaigns, feel free to contact us.

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