The Importance of using Master Keyword List for your Amazon PPC

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Amazon PPC can be a powerful tool for driving sales and increasing brand visibility. However, managing your Amazon PPC campaigns effectively requires careful keyword selection and organization. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of using a master keyword list and provide insights on how to create and utilize one to simplify your Amazon brand management.

The Benefits of a Master Keyword List:

If you're not already using a master keyword list, don't worry. We'll guide you through the process of creating one and explain how it can significantly enhance your campaign management. By having a consolidated list of keywords, you can easily identify and track the keywords you're targeting, without the need to constantly check search reports. Let's dive into the details.

Amazon PPC Master Keyword List KickstartPPC

Building a Master Keyword List:

To demonstrate the concept, let's assume you're a kitchen appliance brand. Keep in mind that the data used here is for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect actual search volumes or keyword competitiveness. When creating your master keyword list, start by including the tools you use, such as Helium 10 and Jungle Scout, in separate columns. These tools provide valuable data and allow you to compare keyword relevance and search volumes effectively.

Next, incorporate your main keywords, such as "stainless steel pan set," into the list. These keywords are essential for driving targeted traffic to your Amazon listings. Additionally, consider including competitor keywords obtained from search reports or through independent research. This information helps you understand what your competitors are targeting and allows you to optimize your campaigns accordingly.

Expanding Your List:

To further refine your keyword list, add Spanish keywords if your product caters to Spanish-speaking customers. Additionally, include generic keywords like "stainless steel cookware," which may have higher cost-per-click (CPC) rates but provide valuable insights into bidding strategies. Regularly update and amend your keyword list as you gather more data and refine your campaigns.

Benefits of an Organized Approach:

Organizing your campaigns using a master keyword list offers several advantages. Firstly, it facilitates easy integration with automation tools like Scale Insights, allowing you to implement whitelist and blacklist rules efficiently. Secondly, if you need to create new campaigns or ad groups, having a master list makes the process simple. By copying and pasting relevant keywords, you can set up new campaigns in a matter of seconds.

Moreover, maintaining a master keyword list saves time and effort when downloading search reports. You'll have sales data readily available, and if you've uploaded historical data, you can analyze keyword performance accurately over time. This level of organization is vital for optimizing your campaigns effectively.

Amazon PPC Agency Importance of Master Keyword List KickstartPPC

Working with an Agency:

If you're currently working with an Amazon PPC Agency, it's important to ensure they employ a similar master keyword list approach. The presence of an organized system indicates their commitment to providing excellent PPC management. If your agency lacks such a system, it might be worth considering a switch to a more organized and reliable agency that prioritizes keyword organization and tracking.


Using a master keyword list is crucial for effectively managing your Amazon PPC campaigns. It streamlines the process, ensures accurate keyword tracking, and simplifies campaign creation. Whether you're an individual seller or working with an agency, adopting this approach can significantly enhance your PPC efforts.

Partnering with a Hands-On Amazon PPC Team Agency: If you require assistance with your PPC campaigns, we are a hands-on Amazon PPC Small Team agency dedicated to both automation and manual optimization. We understand the importance of tailoring strategies to meet individual client needs. We are a team of Nomdaz PPC Experts dedicated to Amazon PPC. Our goal is to provide you with valuable information and actionable insights that you can apply to your own campaigns. Amazon educators, Amazon ads Educators helping Amazon Sellers With Their PPC. If you need Amazon PPC help or Scale Insights Help contact us.

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