Advanced Amazon PPC Why you must use a Keyword Tracker to stay competitive in 2023 Helium10 guide


In the ever-evolving world of Amazon PPC, staying competitive is crucial. As a seller, you must constantly adapt and refine your strategies to maintain a strong presence on the platform. One essential tool that can help you achieve this is a keyword tracker, and in this blog post, we'll explore why using a keyword tracker like Helium 10 is a game-changer for your Amazon business in 2023.

Why Keywords Matter

Keywords are the lifeblood of your Amazon listings. They determine how easily customers can find your products when searching on the platform. Choosing the right keywords and optimizing your listings for them is essential for driving traffic and sales. But here's the catch: the Amazon marketplace is highly competitive, and the search landscape can change rapidly. This is where a keyword tracker comes into play.

The Power of Helium 10

In a YouTube video by Brandon from Kickstart PBC, he emphasizes the importance of tracking keywords with Helium 10. He demonstrates the tool's capabilities and shows how it can provide invaluable insights into your Amazon business.

Let's break down some of the key benefits and features of Helium 10:

1. Detailed Keyword Data

With Helium 10, you can gain access to extensive data about each keyword you're tracking. This information is a goldmine for understanding the performance of your products. For instance, you can see the search volume, organic rank, and even the sponsored ad placements for your chosen keywords. This level of detail allows you to make informed decisions about your advertising strategy.

2. Seasonal Trends

Brandon highlights the importance of understanding the seasonality of your products. Helium 10 not only provides data on keyword performance but also tracks how it changes over time. For example, you can see how search volume fluctuates throughout the year. Armed with this information, you can adjust your advertising spend and strategy accordingly. If your sales are declining due to seasonal changes, you won't panic because you've already anticipated the trend.

KickstartPPC Advanced Amazon PPC Why you must use a Keyword Tracker to stay competitive in 2023 Helium10 guide - Suggested bids

3. Historical Rankings

Helium 10 also keeps a historical record of your product rankings. This feature is invaluable for monitoring your product's performance over time. If you notice a sudden drop in rankings, you can investigate what caused it, whether it's related to keyword performance or external factors.

4. Suggested Bids

Another handy feature within Helium 10 is the ability to view suggested bids. This information is particularly useful for managing your advertising budget effectively. You can track bid changes over time, allowing you to adapt to market dynamics. For instance, you can plan for higher bids during peak shopping seasons, such as Prime Day and Black Friday.

Why It's Essential

As an Amazon seller or agency owner, keeping an eye on your product rankings and keywords is paramount. Ignoring this crucial aspect of your business can open the door for competitors to swoop in and take your top positions. Helium 10's keyword tracking tools offer a comprehensive and granular view of your Amazon business, ensuring you remain in control and ahead of the competition.

Complementing Amazon's Tools

While Amazon's tools like Brand Analytics offer valuable insights, they may not provide the same depth of data that you can get from a dedicated keyword tracker like Helium 10. The key lies in the granularity of information – you can analyze each keyword individually and tailor your strategies accordingly. It's about going beyond the basics and diving deep into your Amazon business to make informed decisions.


In the competitive world of Amazon selling, staying ahead of the curve is vital. Tools like Helium 10 empower you with the data and insights needed to make well-informed decisions. So, if you're not already using a keyword tracker, 2023 is the year to start. Take a proactive approach, regularly monitor your keyword performance, and adapt your strategies based on the data. As Brandon mentions in his video, it's not just about setting it and forgetting it – it's about actively staying in control and maximizing your success on Amazon. If you haven't already, consider giving Helium 10 a try. And for those interested, Brandyn offers a coupon code in the video description for a discount on the platform. With these tools in your arsenal, you'll be better equipped to navigate the ever-changing landscape of Amazon and thrive in the competitive world of e-commerce. Subscribe to Kickstart PBC's channel for more Amazon PPC and FBA-related content and stay tuned for the latest insights and strategies.

KickstartPPC Advanced Amazon PPC Why you must use a Keyword Tracker to stay competitive in 2023 Helium10 guide- By Brandyn Manager and Expert

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