Take Advantage of Amazon Competitor Out of Stock Inventory - Advanced Amazon PPC Campaign Strategies


In the ever-competitive world of Amazon, staying ahead of the curve is essential for sellers. In this blog post, we'll explore an advanced Amazon PPC strategy that can give you an edge when your competitors run out of stock.

The Opportunity in Competitor Stockouts

When your competitors face a stockout situation, it creates a unique opportunity for you to capitalize on. During this period, when their products are unavailable, you can leverage Amazon PPC campaigns to gain a competitive advantage.

The Challenge of Oversized Items

One common scenario that sellers encounter, especially with oversized items, is the time it takes for their inventory to become available. Amazon typically requires a certain period for fulfillment, during which your product listings might display longer delivery times. This can significantly impact conversion rates and overall sales.

An Example: Air Conditioning Unit

To illustrate this situation, let's consider an example with an air conditioning unit. As of the 20th of July, the quickest delivery time for this product is between the 4th and 6th of August, which can be discouraging for potential buyers. People often seek quick delivery, and this extended waiting time can lead to reduced conversion rates for the seller. The issue is particularly pronounced for oversized items, and it's relevant across various Amazon marketplaces.

KickstartPPC Take Advantage of Amazon Competitor Out of Stock Inventory - Advanced Amazon PPC Campaign Strategies

Bid Aggressively

As a savvy seller, when you notice that a competitor is facing a stockout situation, you can bid aggressively on relevant keywords and phrases related to their product. This means increasing your bid amounts to position your product higher in search results.

In this example, a seller is bidding £300 for an air conditioning unit. Even if the seller has lower reviews or a less reputable status, they have recognized the opportunity to attract buyers who don't want to wait for an extended delivery period. Bidding aggressively can help you capture some of the sales that would have gone to the competitor and potentially outperform them in terms of sales volume and ranking.

KickstartPPC Take Advantage of Amazon Competitor Out of Stock Inventory - Advanced Amazon PPC Campaign Strategies- By Brandyn Manager and Expert

Sponsored Brand Campaigns

An additional advantage arises if your competitor has not turned off their sponsored brand or sponsored brand video campaigns. While sponsored product campaigns may get paused by Amazon when a product is out of stock, this is not the case for sponsored brand campaigns. This means that there can still be traffic going to the competitor's product listing.

By dominating the search results with your sponsored display and sponsored brand campaigns, you can benefit from the incoming traffic. When potential buyers land on the competitor's page but encounter a long delivery time, they might explore other options, including your product.

Monitoring and Managing

While bidding aggressively and taking advantage of competitor stockouts is a valuable strategy, it's essential to maintain a vigilant eye on the situation. You don't want to overbid for an extended period, as this can eat into your budget. Regularly monitor the competitor's stock availability and adjust your bidding strategy accordingly.

Get in Touch for Assistance

If you have questions or need help with your Amazon PPC campaigns, don't hesitate to reach out. We offer free audits to those interested in working with us and provide consulting services. Our details are available in the description below, so feel free to contact us.


In the dynamic world of Amazon, staying adaptable and seizing opportunities is key to success. When your competitors run out of stock, it's your chance to shine. By implementing advanced Amazon PPC strategies, you can gain a competitive edge and capture sales that would have otherwise gone to your competitors. Until the next video, we wish you a successful journey on Amazon.

KickstartPPC Take Advantage of Amazon Competitor Out of Stock Inventory - Advanced Amazon PPC Campaign Strategies

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